POWERtalk Australia – Coaching in effective speaking

The Earlybird’s Secret Weapon


It’s around 5.30am. I’m sitting on my back deck with the indispensable hot caffeinated beverage when a flash of colour catches my eye. Whoosh! A little bird swoops down and in an instant, a worm has met its maker.

The little bird gobbles down his breakfast, chirps cheekily with a happy glint in his eye, then disappears, just as quickly as he arrived.

I smile at this bit of nature in my suburban backyard – he has, after all, rescued my vegetable patch from a creepy little critter who would have chomped through my growing beans. As I take another sip of my coffee, marvelling at the bird’s brilliance, I wonder… why does the earlybird get the worm?

Is it because it is fast – arriving before anyone else?
Yes, of course, but what makes it so fast?

Does it have the biggest wings? Not necessarily.

The brightest eyes? Perhaps…

But more importantly, it doesn’t doubt its ability to catch the little wriggly bit of breakfast, so it swoops in with confidence and gusto.

You may well ask, ‘Where did this confidence come from?’

The earlybird has a three-step formula for success – a secret weapon.

  1. It was taught the skill.
  2. It practised regularly.
  3. It got hungry.

There are many lessons this wee chirpy chappy can give us, not the least of which is how to become confident.

When we are confident in a skill, fear dissolves.

Let’s talk about glossophobia – the fear of speaking. The big G is a nasty beast and one of man’s greatest fears – it even rates as scarier than death. And the only way to knock its socks off, is to become confident in speaking.

Enter the early bird’s secret weapon – the three-step formula.

Step One – learn the skill.

Public speaking coaches abound and if you lots of money to spare, a professional speaker coach could be a great option for you. With the meteoric cost of living however, that may not be the case.

Where to from here?

That’s where POWERtalk Australia can help. Membership is very reasonably priced – so much so that you wouldn’t even need to give up your weekly coffee treat. The skills are learnt in practical experiential learning, that helps to reinforce the techniques in a nurturing and supportive environment.

Step Two – practice regularly.

Talking to yourself in the mirror is an ok start, but you need to experience a live audience to grow in confidence, and there isn’t generally one of those in the privacy of your bedroom or bathroom. Excellent feedback and mentoring are essential to perfecting a skill and that is what you get at a POWERtalk meeting. Your scheduled assignments are delivered to a receptive audience, who listen intently and are happy to tell you what you did beautifully and where to work next on your growth pathway.

Step Three – Be hungry.

No matter what you are working towards, your progress will be faster if you are truly committed to that goal. When you really want it, you’ll keep working towards it. Regular attendance at meetings and taking on assignments, doing the preparation and practice, and delivering with gusto will grow your confidence dramatically.

If glossophobia has your tongue, pop along to a POWERtalk meeting and start your journey to confident speaking. Before you know it, people will look at you in wonder, as you fly high, confidently speaking out and sharing your brilliance with the world.

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